Holiday portrait: Saturday with the Drurys

It's been a wonderfully busy pre-winter season so far -- for the first time, I've had enough freelance work come up that I've had to turn down a few last-minute requests for holiday portraits, which is totally crazy! (And infinitely gratitude-inducing.) But busy as I was these last few weeks, I couldn't not make time for some of my favorite humans on the planet: the Drurys.

Not to get too emotional about it, but on the personal front, 2014 was pretty... well, let's just say it was tumultuous. And honestly, I don't know where I'd be today without my friends, specifically Stephanie and David, and the bright, unceasing lovelights they shine into my life. Getting to know them (and Judah, and Lolly, and Cap'n Waffles) this year has truly been nothing short of a blessing.

I'm honored to call the Drurys family, and so thrilled that I was able to document their family portrait this year! Here's a few of my favorite pictures from our afternoon together.

Cap'n Waffles approves this message.